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Culinary definition of season To add salt, pepper, herbs, spices, zests and other seasonings to enhance or alter flavour.

salt and pepper seasoning 325x225CH logo 50x50C@H FOOD FOR THOUGHT
The generic 'season to taste' advice offered at the end of many recipes, nearly always refers to seasoning with salt and black pepper. 

A tiny bit of salt brings out layers and depths of flavours that, without salt's magic, would otherwise remain hidden.   Very many chef's season with salt and black pepper - which works beautifully for them, as evidenced by their popularity, even Michelin Stars. 

At C@H, we consider black pepper a not-so-neutral seasoning because it possesses a flavour all its own, and it often adds an off-putting bite of heat to an otherwise harmonious dish.   We use ground white pepper more than black pepper; it is soft and warm and offers a very subtle sweetness that black pepper does not.  To learn more about various types of salt, and about black pepper, green peppercorns, pink and red pepper, white pepper, melegueta pepper, and Szechwan pepper visit our Spices A-Z pages.

C@H offers an exotic Peppercorn Medley Grinder, featuring a gorgeous blend of black, white and soft pink peppercorns, plus spicy sweet Szechwan pepper and smoked sea salt - created by Top Chef Canada Dale MacKay. 

✭ CSS - no it's not a cascading style sheet, rather sage advice (no pun intended) from generations of savvy chefs.  CSS reminds us that 'Chefs Salt Second', and to always taste first before adding salt, then taste again and so on.  Never salt first, as so doing has ruined many otherwise gorgeous dishes.

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