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Common Name

Latin Name Family Country/Origin
Anthriscus Cerefolium Umbelliferae Europe

The smell and taste of chervil is reminiscent of springtime and France. One of the five herbs in French cuisine's fines herbes, chervil is an excellent complementary herb to most dishes. Its subtle anise-like flavor is similar to parsley but slightly stronger.

Chervil has a long history associated with new life and renewal. In many parts of Europe chervil is related to Easter. It is an integral ingredient in a soup served on Holy Thursday, its smell and taste is similar to myrrh (according to the Bible, given to baby Jesus by the three wise men) and it represents new life and revitalization.

Middle Age herbalists believed chervil contained many medicinal properties, and as it was one of the first herbs to appear in the spring, prescribed chervil tonics in aid of the many ailments brought on by long cold winters. Thought to cure hiccoughs and renew and refresh the body, chervil was also used as an early anti-aging treatment.

A member of the carrot family, chervil resembles parsley but has finer, wispier flora. With two different, but similar tasting varieties, chervil can be either curly or flat. This delicate herb produces small white flowers and can grow up to 2 feet high.

Purported Medicinal Qualities*

Chervil is still be used today in a rejuvenating tea to refresh the body and the eyes. Chervil is said to help the body absorb Vitamin C, aid digestion and wake up tired eyes.

Historically, chervil has been used to:

  • Relieve cough and flu symptoms
  • Relieve fatigue
  • Cure hiccoughs
  • Aid digestion
  • Help the body absorb vitamins and nutrients
  • Brighten eyes and sharpen the mind

*Always check with your healthcare provider before consuming, inhaling or otherwise ingesting any non-prescription or prescription natural or homeopathic substance or pharmaceutical. is not recommending, suggesting, inferring or otherwise endorsing the use of any herb or spice as a medication.

Culinary/Suggested Use

Chervil is one of the staple ingredients in French cuisine's fines herbes. A herb with a subtle flavor, chervil complements most springtime dishes, including eggs, cheese, salad, fish and most vegetables. It can be used to bring out other flavors and ingredients in a dish, but as a rule should be added towards the end of cooking or served raw as a garnish or in a salad. Food for thought:

  • Add fresh chopped chervil to soft butter for a nicely flavored spread
  • Add chervil to any light sauce or dressing for a little extra color and flavor
  • Sprinkle fresh chervil over scrambled eggs, or mix it into an omelette
  • Sprinkle chervil over barbequed salmon or halibut
  • Chervil is an excellent addition to any vegetable dish; add just before serving
  • Use chervil as a substitute for parsley

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